Thursday, 7 May 2009

Tips To Save Your Teeth From Stains

If you have or are considering getting dental implants, you may be wondering how these dental beauties compare to normal teeth.

For more than two decades, dental implants have resulted in naturally beautiful smiles and a significant self-esteem boost for individuals who have lost teeth. Not only do these dental implants minimize future jawbone shrinkage and never develop tooth decay, they look and feel like your natural teeth.

Stain-Resistant Material

Dental implants are made from ceramic porcelain—a glass-like surface that is very resistant to stains. As long as your porcelain dental implants maintain their glaze, you shouldn’t experience staining. But if your dental implants are polished with abrasive instruments or treated with acid fluoride treatments, your implants can become rough and therefore susceptible to discoloration. You should select a less abrasive toothpaste for daily use to prevent this, and you may need tooth whitening treatments to keep your natural teeth as white as the implant.

Bonding Discolorations

The dental bonding materials that hold your implants in place, however, are susceptible to discoloration. It isn’t uncommon for you to experience some staining around the edges of your implants, along your gums.

A professional polish at the margins along your gum line can remove the stains, making your implants look as good as ever.

Care at Home

Because it functions as your original tooth did, a dental implant should be treated with the same care. They should be brushed and flossed at least twice a day. For the first two weeks after you receive your implant, you should also brush after every meal and snack.

To help minimize stains, you should limit your intake of stain-causing foods like:
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Berries
  • Red wine
  • Dark-colored soda
  • Smoke from cigarettes and cigars
  • Chewing tobacco

Read More:
Do Implants Stain Like Normal Teeth?

Previous Posts:
Improve Teeth Appearance with Cosmetic Dentistry
Get Whiter Teeth by DIY Teeth Whitening Tips
Easy Tips to Keep Your Teeth Healthy
Dental Implants in Scotland: Glasgow Dental Implants

1 comment:

  1. That are some wonderful tips to save teeth's form staining. Our professional's at Halifax provide quality treatment as per the requirement and enhance the smile more neatly. A Sante Dental Dentist in Halifax will use a variety of restorative and cosmetic procedures to bring your mouth to a healthy, beautiful state.
