David Letterman has one. So does Chris Rock. But, for most people, there’s nothing funny about having a gap-toothed smile. When your teeth have wide spaces between them, you’ll find yourself embarrassed to talk, laugh, or enjoy life the way you should.
A Natural, Healthy-Looking Smile
Gaps can occur between any of your teeth, on both the top and bottom rows. They’re usually genetic, although they can also occur because of injury. Gaps can be quite embarrassing. They are – rightly or wrongly – often associated with poor dental hygiene. Aside from being aesthetically unappealing, gaps between teeth are also a breeding ground for bacteria, and can be the precursor to a host of dental problems, like gingivitis and cavities.
“There are numerous easy, painless, and quick ways to repair a gap-toothed smile. The most popular method I use in my Reedley, California cosmetic dentistry office is porcelain veneers,” says Dennis Ikuta, a cosmetic dentist. “Porcelain veneers are thin shells of ceramic that can close the gaps between your teeth.”
Porcelain Veneers: An Easy Solution
They look (and feel) very much like real teeth, and they can be used to correct a variety of smile problems – cracks, chips, discoloration, even gaps!
You can close those gaps in about a month, over the course of three or four dental appointments. The porcelain veneers are permanently attached to the front surface of your teeth with special dental cement. Porcelain veneers are custom-created from a model of your mouth, and custom-colored to match your natural teeth.
Once the porcelain veneers are applied, they’re permanent, and you treat them as you would your natural teeth. Porcelain veneers cover the gaps between your teeth – you’ll be able to smile with confidence.
Finding the Right Dentist
It’s important to know that the end result is highly dependant upon the skill of your cosmetic dentist. You want a dentist who has experience with creating, placing and coloring the veneers – be sure and ask lots of questions beforehand, and ask to see samples of past work.
You want to find a cosmetic dentist. This is different from a traditional dentist. All dentists have been to dental school. Only a cosmetic dentist has then gone on to graduate from cosmetic dentistry school. It’s there that he or she learns additional dentistry techniques, such as veneer application, laser whitening and neuromuscular misalignment diagnosis and treatment. Traditional, non-cosmetically-trained dentists have neither the experience nor the equipment to properly perform such procedures.
Source: What to do About Gaps in Your Smile
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