Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Get Whiter Teeth by DIY Teeth Whitening Tips

Everyone wants to have whiter teeth. It is rare to meet somebody who would be contented with his or her discolored teeth. Our craving for attention can manifest through the need to have shiny white teeth. The advertising industry as well as manufacturers of teeth whitening products, earn millions of dollars from this basic vanity need. This may be good or bad. Whitening your teeth can be considered as self indulgence by some people. This may be untrue especially if one uses home remedies.

In whitening your teeth, you just need to be aware of what you put inside your mouth. You always need to remember that tea, iced tea, coffee, red wine and other caffeinated drinks can stain your teeth. Vices like smoking tobacco or cigarettes can cause nicotine stains as well. Accumulation of these stains over the years are difficult to remove and would require the expertise of your dentist. So if you really want to whiten your teeth, you need to give up

Whitening your teeth may require the simple use of fruits. The popular fruits that can do this job are strawberries and oranges. You just need to rub these fruits on your teeth. The acid in orange peel helps in removing the stains on your teeth. Strawberries have natural whitening agents and their seeds are very useful in removing stains. You have to let the fruits stay on your teeth for about 15-20 minutes. Don't forget to rinse so that the natural sugar of fruits will not cause cavities.

Whitening your teeth requires you to brush your teeth every meal to prevent any possible discoloration. Home remedies such as apple cider vinegar can be used as toothpaste. Just do not forget to rinse well. Baking soda is the most popular product commonly used in teeth whitening. You can just add your regular toothpaste to lessen the salty taste.

In whitening your teeth, you can always use the ever-reliable hydrogen peroxide. You can combine salt, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide as your alternative toothpaste which is more affordable than the commercial ones.

Read More: Whitening Your Teeth

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